Ep 16 After Hours Bonus: Vacation Sex and More With Me with Joe Swenson

Let the Balderdash Academy crew give you some pointers for your next vacation. Having issues with your sex life? We can help there too! We even hit some sports. We prove that a group of improvisers can be a safe place to stop for some jockular type tips. We are a jack-of-all-trades kinda school. The proof is in the pudding so take a taste with the next Balderdash Academy.


Watch on YouTube or listen on the podcast.


Episode 16 Podcast Release Schedule

Balderdash Academy on all services
Teacher’s Lounge Episode 9 - 20 Jan 2021 @ 12:00 AM

Episode 17 with Podcaster Dave Ciampa drops January 25th.

Robert LeBlanc

ROBERT J LEBLANC is a member of the Dramatist Guild and has been performing and writing for various media since the 90s. He is an award-winning playwright, actor, voice actor, artist, and the leader, head writer, host, improviser, and producer of the online comedy ensemble, Balderdash Academy, and their catalog of shows. He is the lead writer, director, producer, and creator of the live comedy radio show, On the Air!, writer and producer of the Sleuths Mystery Radio podcast, and owner of the interactive mystery-comedy company Sleuths Mystery Entertainment. He writes in a number of genres with a focus on comedy and the use of comedy in drama. He recently finished series development and writing of a new forthcoming series for the audio entertainment company Realm. His work has been produced across the country.


Teacher’s Lounge: Film Festival


Ep 16, Pt 5: Technically Correct with Joe Swewnson